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In this episode, Alay and Terry discuss:
- The benefits of taking a sabbatical.
- Building your career on your terms with freedom, independence, and pursuit of your passion.
- Benefits of owning your own firm.
- The 3 M’s of Aligned Marketing.
- Growing and evolving your practice.
Key Takeaways:
- Be fearless.
- Even if it makes you nervous, be willing to try a new type of marketing that can get your name and your firm out into the world.
- The 3 Ms of marketing are: Message, Market, and Marketing. Put your message first, work out your market, and finally decide on marketing.
- You either win or you learn, there are no mistakes.
Tweetable Moments:
- “You don’t need a lot to pursue your passion and what you’re meant to do. ” — Terry Leoni
- “Sometimes what gets lost is the idea of stepping away, opening yourself up to opportunities, and having the courage to look at those opportunities and take advantage of them.” — Alay Yajnik
- “Webinars are a powerful tool – it was powerful before the pandemic, it has only become more powerful during it, and then even after it.” — Alay Yajnik
- “We don’t always take the correct first step, but we can figure it out.” — Terry Leoni
Connect with Terry Leoni:
Website: www.leonilawfirm.com
Email: tleoni@leonilawfirm.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terryleoni
Connect with Alay Yajnik:
Website: LawyerBusinessAdvantage.com
One Page Strategic Plan: LawFirmSuccessGroup.com
Email: Alay@YajnikGroup.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alayyajnik