Competing for Leads with Eric Bersano

In this episode, Alay and Eric discuss: 

  • Smart, online marketing to capture the market in your niche and your geographical area. 
  • Standing out and setting up a unique marketing campaign for your firm. 
  • Creative ways to use social media and build a following. 
  • No niche is too small. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • For the attorneys who don’t want to commit to doing social media themselves each week, you will likely need to pay for online advertising. 
  • Find something that fits with your personality. Find your niche within your niche with what you are passionate about. 
  • You can have more areas in your online brochure on your website. Focusing on one or two areas in your marketing will bring in more traffic. 
  • Marketing that doesn’t require the attorney’s 100% attention will work even when you’re on vacation, in court, or busy with life. It is also transferrable to the next attorney when you’re ready to exit. 


Tweetable Moments:

  • “You can be the king of your own backyard.” —  Eric Bersano
  • “A niche doesn’t necessarily limit you, it just focuses your marketing dollars.” —  Eric Bersano
  • “The other ancillary effect to niching down is really looking like an expert.” —  Eric Bersano
  • “The one thing that you really have control over, if you want to control the flow of people who are coming to your firm, would be through your marketing.” —  Eric Bersano
  • “Google doesn’t find the best lawyers. It finds the best marketers. And if you’re not both, you’re going to lose out to those people who are who are doing it right.” —  Eric Bersano


About Eric Bersano:

Eric Bersano has worked in legal marketing since 2006. His experience includes SEO, PPC, and Television advertising. He also works with law firms on intake, conversion, and other processes to ensure they are getting the most out of their marketing budgets.


Connect with Eric Bersano: 






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